Help Desk Key Performance Indicators or Helpdesk KPI are metrics used by Help Desk Managers to understand how well the Help Desk is performing in relation to their strategic goals and objectives. Help Desk KPIs metrics will help capture the internal workings and productivity measurements of the Help Desk and provide measurable results if the team is on track or not.
One Help Desk KPI is Help Desk Agent occupancy, which is how much time an agent is actually providing support to your customers as a percentage of all of the time spent by a Help Desk Agent at work. Tracking phone or telecom KPIs are a good foundation to start with.
So how do you measure Help Desk Agent occupancy? We your automatic call distributor (ACD) and reporting server can provide the following;
ACD time – Talking to the Customer
ACW time – After Call work/Wrap Time
Hold time – Placing the Customer on hold
Training time
Break time
Meeting time
Idle time – waiting for a call
Now let’s do the math and the answer will be expressed in a percentage.
ACD Time + ACW Time + Hold Time / ACD Time + ACW Time+ Hold Time+ Break Time +Training + Meeting Time + Idle time
What other KPIs do we measure from the Telecom ACD?
Number of abandoned calls – An abandoned call is a call that is ended before any conversation occurs. So what can lead to a high abandon rate? Often inbound calls are abandoned because the caller is frustrated with the time on hold.
Calls offered – Calls offered are calls that actually received by your ACD.
Calls answered – Calls answered are calls that are actually received by your agents.
Average Speed to Answer (ASA) Average Speed to Answer is the time between when the call is queued for the ACD queue and ends when a Help Desk Agent answers the call.
First-Contact Resolution – Help Desk Agent and team First Contact Resolution FCR percentage is a measurement of how many contacts the agent and team handles while still in first contact with the customer and compared to the total contacts. There are many ways to measure First Contact Resolution but it is based on technology available.
- If your telecom and ticketing systems are integrated, then you can set a ticket close threshold limit of wrap up when a support call ends. If the ticket is resolved and closed in that threshold then it is considered a FCR.
- Another way to measure FCR is that a ticket is opened and closed with in a threshold, such as 30 minutes, by the same agent. A disadvantage is you may under measure FCR if the support call exceeds the time threshold.
- You may also prompt an agent to note if the ticket is FCR or not upon closure. Since FCR is a performance measurement, you must audit the tickets and calls to ensure the agent is coding FCR properly.
Low FCR percentages can indicate that internal processes such as knowledge management need to be improved. It can also be impacted by inadequate agent training on the technology supported by the Help Desk. To solve this perform a query on all non-FCR tickets for a period of time. Sort the tickets by classification category. Look for trends of ticket types for review. You may find areas to work with second level support to improve Help Desk knowledge solutions or areas to improve the technology deployed to the customer.
Can someone direct me to benchmarks for an IT Service Desk, so I can see how my teams rates against industry standards and baselines? Thanks