Help Desk Ticket Categories

The Top 6 Total Contact Ownership best practices will place customers first

July 24, 2016 Wayne 0

If a customer contacts a help desk with an issue and the help desk is unable to resolve it first contact, it can be disappointing. We do understand not every issue can be solved on first contact by the help desk but too many times an escalated request for help seems to go into a black hole. If tickets pile up with escalation groups, no updates are provided to the customer and lingering customer IT […]

Help Desk Performance Management: Team Meetings

June 25, 2016 Wayne 0

If you are a new help desk manager, your new staff may have been self-managed, managed by a manager from a different department, or poorly managed by a former manager. Even if you have been the team’s manager for a while, you must assume there are issues with staff roles, work schedules, attendance expectations, performance, and training. For help desk performance management, it is important to setup team and 1:1 meetings with your staff. As […]

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Help Desk Multi-channel support: Social Media Strategies

December 9, 2015 Wayne 0

Internal and external customers now expect to reach your Help Desk for customer service and support from any device, at any time, and from anywhere. In today’s Millennial-driven economy, the Help Desk’s response to requests must be immediate and delivered in the customer’s preferred medium. In the past, Help Desk Management and staff only had to monitor traditional channels such as phone and email. A forward looking Help Desk must now have a social media […]

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Incident Management Communication Plan – Do you have one?

September 2, 2014 Wayne 6

A proactive Help Desk team will have Incident Management Communication Plan in place to follow when an outage to a service occurs. In advance of an outage, it is important to develop a well thought-out Incident Management Communication Plan detailing how people will be initially notified, what information they need, when status updates will be communicated, and what resolution steps occur when a service has been restored. Answer the following questions about the state of […]

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The 4 groups important for a Help Desk Manager

August 19, 2014 Wayne 1

Help Desk Manager careers are built on a foundation of communications and strong relationships. It is important to quickly build relationships and collaborate with key stakeholders of your support department to be successful. A new Help Desk Manager needs to have clear lines of communication with at least 4 key stakeholder groups their new department interacts with. These 4 key stakeholder groups for a Help Desk Manager are your boss, the customers you support, the […]

Help Desk Ticket Categories

Help Desk audit program for ticket and call quality assurance

July 7, 2014 Wayne 0

How do you really know your Help Desk agents are providing high quality customer service? As a good Help Desk Manager you implement a Help Desk audit. This will have established customer contact handling procedures, regularly measure customer satisfaction, and have trained your staff on providing great customer service. Proactive Help Desk performance management is more than documenting procedures, measuring KPI metrics, and training staff. To truly find out how well your customer are being […]

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Help Desk Escalation Support Group

July 30, 2013 Wayne 1

You have trained your Help Desks Agents with support skills, your knowledge base is full of solutions, and you First Contact Resolution percentage is seventy percent or better. This still means that thirty percent of all Help Desk contacts (phone, email, and other means) are escalated to another group. What is a Help Desk escalation support group and how does that work? How does a Help Desk Escalation Support Group work? If the Help Desk […]

Help Desk Ticket Categories: CREATE Help Desk ticket classification

August 14, 2012 Wayne 17

With a proven Help Desk ticket classification methodology such as CREATE, companies can Build a Help Desk Ticket category classification scheme that increases ticket trend reporting efficiency, enhance the ticket escalation process, improve reporting, and reduce overall support costs. Every Help Desk needs ITIL Help Desk ticket categories to handle the customer’s ITIL ticket type issues when they contact the Help Desk for support. Proper ITIL ticket classification of an issue when a Help Desk […]

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ITIL Incident Management: Managing Technical Chaos

July 12, 2012 Wayne 5

What is ITIL Incident Management? ITIL incident management is a process focused on managing the restoration of an IT service degradation or outage caused by a disrupting event that is not part of the standard operation of the IT service. ITIL Incident Management aims to return normal functionality to the customer quickly while minimizing the impact on the business. Incident Management is also focused on fixing the customer’s issue. The Help Desk is charged with […]